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Teaching for Peace lesson plan

Students from Strathcona Elementary also read The Color of Your Skin by Desirée Acevedo and Silvia Álvarez then mixed paint colours, without using the colour brown, to make their skin tone for their handprint on the PEACE sign. Strathcona photos by Kathleen Schepers and Annie Simard.


  • What Does Peace Feel Like by V. Radunsky

  • whiteboard and markers

  • paper or journals

  • pencils

  • art supplies.


1. Definition of peace

Ask students what peace means. Work with your class to come up with a definition for the word peace. Write this on the whiteboard.


Compare the class definition with the dictionary definition of peace: a state of tranquility or serenity.


2. Story time

Read the book What Does Peace Feel Like by V. Radunsky to your class. If you don’t have access to this book in your school library, you can find videos of the book being read aloud by others online.


3. Journal activity

Share the prompts below with the class:

  • What does peace feel like?

  • What does peace look like?

  • What does peace smell like?

  • What does peace sound like?

  • What does peace taste like?


Give students time to journal about their examples of experiencing peace in their lives with the five senses.

More artwork from students at Strathcona Elementary as it appears in the Jan/Feb 2025 print edition of Teacher.

4. Sharing and discussion

Bring students together to share their responses from their journals. Use the following questions as a discussion guide:

  • Does peace mean the same thing to everyone in our class? What about other children around the world?

  • Do you think all children are able to live in peace? Why or why not?


5. Art activity

Ask students to choose one experience of peace from the journal entries to create a picture of peace using their choice of materials. The picture can communicate what peace means to them or what peace looks like in their life. Students can work with little buddies or big buddies in their school to make this picture.


Display student artwork around the classroom or school. Do a gallery walk for students to view each other’s work.


6. Extension

Visit to learn about children around the world who are standing up for children’s rights.


Student artwork from Bonaccord Elementary upon completing this lesson plan. Bonaccord photos by Nandini Aggarwal.


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